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Second International Workshop on Smart Technologies in Industry 4.0 (RATIONALITY 2022)

Organized by:

Social Network of Machines (SOON) Project and Framework for the Identification of Rare Events via MAchine learning and IoT Networks (FIREMAN) Project and Research Center on Artificial Intelligence, Data Science and Smart Engineering (Artemis)

FIREMAN logo         SOON logo


     The RATIONALITY Workshop aims to bring together European research projects funded under the Framework of the CHIST-ERA programme supported by the Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) programme of the European Union through the ERA-NET Cofund funding scheme, HORIZON 2020.

    In this edition of the workshop participate researchers involved in the implementation of two Chist Era projects SOON and FIREMAN, to present the obtained research results, their progress reports, to discusses open research questions that could involve knowledge transfer or even collaboration in the research, and finally the analysis of future in-depth collaboration possibilities between the two projects.

Researches Rationales and Objectives

    The SOON Project

    SOON project proposes a holistic multi-agent paradigm that encompasses machines and humans operators. Autonomous social agents will take decisions collecting, merging and analyzing heterogeneous big data produced by sensors (vibration, temperature, etc.), automation and information systems (such as enterprise resource planning and manufacturing execution system), and humans in real-time. The main objective of the SOON project is to investigate the impact of agents with social kind of ability to optimize industrial production processes within Industry 4.0. The principal direction of research of the project will be to solve difficult tasks of predictive maintenance.

    The FIREMAN Project

    FIREMAN aims to build an architecture with a strong interplay among several research areas, i.e., large-scale data acquisition, big data fusion and big data analytics, towards a highly-integrated cyber-physical system design at all data-processing levels. The overall objective of FIREMAN is to design, develop and showcase a novel big-data based framework that encompasses all steps from sensing and data acquisition to statistical analysis and operational decisions, to accurately identify, detect, forecast and prevent rare events in a pre-determined industrial physical process.

Preliminary Programme

    Location: Virtual Conference Panel Research Center on Artificial Intelligence, Data Science and Smart Engineering (Artemis) , N. Iorga st. No. 1, Targu Mureș,
    Online: Room Workshop SOON - FIREMAN

    Participants registration
     15 March 2022, 09:45 - 10:00 (Time: GMT+2)

    Session 1: Scientific achievements
     15 March 2022 10:00 - 12:00 (Time: GMT+2)

    Session 2: Research Seminar of the SOON and FIREMAN Projects
     15 March 2022 12:00 - 13:30 (Time: GMT+2)

For any information contact: Zsuzsa Simo, Laszlo Barna Iantovics or Adrian Gligor

Technical Programme

    The detailed Workshop Technical Programme are listed here


Laboratorul de Cercetare al Proiectului
Universitatea de Medicină, Farmacie, Ştiinţe şi Tehnologie "George Emil Palade" din Târgu Mureş

Str. Nicolae Iorga 1,
Targu Mures, Mures,
Romania, Sala 402


Prof. dr. abil. László-Barna IANTOVICS